Government Administration - Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia
Acting Head of Department for Analysis, Evaluation and Dissemination of EU Programmes's Results
Agencija za mobilnost i programe Europske unije (AMPEU) javna je ustanova koja provodi i promovira programe Europske unije i druge međunarodne programe u području znanosti, obrazovanja, osposobljavanja i mladih na području Republike Hrvatske. Programi: Erasmus+, Europske snage solidarnosti, Obzor Europa, Euraxess, CEEPUS, Bilateralni program akademske mobilnosti.Mreže i inicijative: Europass, Eurodesk, Euroguidance, Radna skupina stručnjaka za strukovno obrazovanje (prethodno ECVET), eTwinning, Eurydice, Europska oznaka jezika, YouthpassThe Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP) is the National Agency responsible for the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme in Croatia. The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes is also responsible for the informing and counselling in the area of Horizon Europe programme, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme. AMEUP is also responsible for the implementation of the following networks and initiatives: Europass, Eurodesk, Euraxess, Euroguidance, eTwinning, VET Team, CEEPUS, Bilateral scholarships, ELL and Eurydice.
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