Non-Profit - Kansas City, MO, US
AVI installs water purification systems in third world countries.MissionEducate - health, hygiene and spiritual educationEquip - LWW clean water system installation, operation and maintenancePartner - build and support relationships with and between our partnersOpportunities - Create opportunities for others to have first hand experiences.Agua Viva International (AVI) approaches The Crisis by providing health and hygiene education and curriculum typically to the women of the community, installing sustainable water purification systems, and delivering purified water to communities of need. Therein sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Agua Viva International creates opportunities for partnering with local people to be a part this cause and witness the need and solution first hand.The water purification system is provided by Living Waters for the World (LWW, . It is a system that is tested in the field with over 1000 installations around the world. There is a network of installations and support personnel to support the installations.The LWW system can provide clean water to a community of up to 3000 people for less than $10 per person.
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