Education Management - , New Territories, Hong Kong
Consultant / Accountant / Events Manager / Sponsor Engagement & Relations Manager
The Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS) was conceived in 1999 by a few schools in China and Mongolia that were searching for a way to have their athletic teams participate in post-season tournament play. Today, ACAMIS has a membership of 77 schools ranging in size from less than 300 pupils to over 2,500 in Mongolia, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. In addition to the continued connections for students through sports tournaments and cultural events, ACAMIS also helps school staff through professional development programs and networking opportunities. The services include:- Spring Leadership Conference (bringing together heads, aspiring heads, business managers, librarians, counselors, athletic directors, arts / cultural coordinators, curriculum coordinators, and technology directors)- Chinese Conference focusing on language acquisition and best practices in Chinese language and culture- Early Childhood Education Conference in supporting the professional development needs of our members in international early childhood education- Technology Conference focuses on technology for teaching and learning that aims to bring together educators together to share best practices and provide take-aways that can be implemented directly in our specific local context.- English Language Learners (ELL) Conference focuses on issues on how to integrate increasingly diverse numbers of language speakers into a curriculum based largely on English as the main language of instruction.-PD workshops for middle managers and non-academic staff
Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking
Microsoft Office 365