Public Policy - , ,
Bay2Rio+20 is an initiative for global green economies leadership cooperation between the San Francisco Bay Area and Rio de Janeiro. The project will leverage the UN Rio+20 Earth Summit in June of 2012 as a launch platform for a series of initiatives aligning with one of the two primary themes of the conference; green economy in the context of poverty eradication and sustainable development. Local gatherings and activities before, during and following the summit will help build momentum for later initiatives organized around the 2013 America's Cup, the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics, building on the momentum from the 2012 Earth Summit to strengthen cooperation and economic development ties between Brazil, the Bay Area, and beyond. Using internet-based platforms, a delegation selected to represent the Bay Area at the summit will bring the Bay Area's "ethos for the innovator" to Rio. We will be extenuating the Bay Area spirit of collaboration, radical self-expression, and belief that something better is possible. We will highlight how this ethos provides the seeds for innovation to grow in technology, sustainability, design and business and how these industries cross-pollinate ideas to develop services and products. We will highlight various organizations and partnerships that live the Bay Area's ethos for the innovator and demonstrate how an open mind and open heart can affect sustainable development for our cities.