Education Management - , ,
Beverly Hills High School's ASB is the student government organization that is responsible for all events, clubs and student activities on campus. ASB plans large spirit events, such as: color wars, normanpalooza, homecoming, monthly spirit events/weeks, DJ Fridays, carnival, grad night, prom and much more! ASB also oversees all student clubs on campus (We have over 30!). Additionally, funds for all student activities run through ASB, such as: Dance Company, the Theatre Department, and the Athletic Department, to name a few. ASB is also very proud of the fact that we financially support many programs/items that directly benefit the student body; we fund numerous scholarships, and we recently purchased two online library resources, a school laminator and a poster maker. ASB is comprised of officers from all grade levels. ASB officers are elected at the beginning of each semester; however, for first semester freshmen, ASB commissioners are appointed.