Religious Institutions - , ,
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew has been creating disciples of Jesus Christ for 131 years.That's how long it's been since a group of men began a ministry to men and boys in downtown Chicago at St. James' Episcopal Church - now St. James' Cathedral.After 25 years of growth in churches throughout the United States, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was officially incorporated by President Teddy Roosevelt in May, 1908."Our sole purpose is to bring men and young men to Jesus," current President Robert Dennis says.The Brotherhood of St. Andrew has become a worldwide organization - the oldest in the Episcopal Church. It kept track of each and every man serving in World Wars I and II and was an original source of funding and Scoutmasters for the Boy Scouts of America, which President Roosevelt also helped created two years later.Brothers played - and still play - leading roles in Episcopal Church ministries; the Brotherhood is closely aligned with the Daughters of the King, a companion organization that is the fastest-growing ministry in the Episcopal Church."There are still many men we want to get to know the Lord," President Dennis says. "Our work will never be done."But we have lasted so long because men like to get together for support, to offer service projects - and for fellowship."There are three disciplines Brothers follow: prayer, study and service.
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