Biotechnology - Bnei Brak, Tel Aviv District, Israel
CannaLean Biotechs Ltd., founded in 2017 and headquartered in Israel,CannaLean has established an active partnership with our main shareholders:Mor Research Applications, the tech transfer company of CLALIT HEALTH SERVICES,The largest HMO in Israel, with over 4.5M members, (14 full-scale hospitals specializing in all fields of medicine, as well as over 2000 community clinics with over 9000 employed physicians).CannaLean is committed to the research and development of a novel proprietary formulation of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Chitosan that will potentially benefit millions of patients suffering from Dyslipidemia.CannaLean has completed various in vivo and pre-clinical studies showing a significant decrease in cholesterol/triglyceride blood levels, demonstrating the potential clinical effect of the novel patent-protected formulation.
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