Legal Services - New Delhi, Delhi, India
The Centre for Constitutional Law, Policy and Governance at National Law University, Delhi focuses on foregrounding rights, rightslessness, and other vulnerabilities in understanding, critiquing, and reforming laws, legal institutions, and modes of governance, so that they reflect the constitutional ideals of justice. The Centre has the following objectives: 1. To engage with constitutional theory and its practical application in framing law and policy in order to realize the constitutional vision of a rights-based just legal order.2. To undertake empirical and other studies on the working of the legal system and its interactions with social norms and structures, in order to engage in justice oriented law, policy and governance reform.3. To focus heavily, though not exclusively, on courts as institutions that are mandated to realize the constitutional vision of justice.4. To engage in action-oriented research for rights-based law and governance reform including through interventions in various fora such as governmental and judicial institutions.5. To create and disseminate knowledge about constitutional law, policy and governance through publications, class-room teaching and other allied activities, including focusing on clinical legal education on issues of access to justice.6. To approach all questions from a comparative perspective in order to place Indian constitutional praxis in context and understand and evaluate options and alternatives for policy and law reform.Dr. Mrinal Satish, Professor of Law at NLU Delhi is the Executive Director of the Centre and Dr. Aparna Chandra, Assistant Professor of Law at NLU Delhi is the Research Director of the Centre.On-going Projects:1. CLPG-CRR Reproductive Rights in India Project (2017-2018) 2. CLPG-Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee Prisons Project 3. Project on Empirical Analysis Of Supreme Court Decisions4. Fair Trial Manual 5. Report on issues of bail for women prisoners6. Legal Awareness and Counselling Sessions at Jail No. 6, Tihar Prisons.Completed Projects: 1. CLPG-Daksh Rule of Law Project 2. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Protection of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2006 3. Prisoners' Rights ManualConsultancies:1. Law Commission of India's 262nd Report on the "Death Penalty"2. 245th Report on Arrears and Backlog: Creating Additional Judicial (Wo)manpower3. Project on Process Re-engineering in the Criminal Justice System: 4. Consultancy for the Law Commission's 273rd report on Implementation of UN Convention Against Torture through Legislation (2017) 5. Deposition before the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare relating to the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 20166. Submission and Consultancy for the Law Commission's 268th Report on Amendments to Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 – Provisions Relating to Bail (2017)7. CLPG-MWCD Project on Women in Detention
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