Nonprofit Organization Management - , Ontario, Canada
We serve the community of Centre Wellington, area Fergus, Elora and Belwood by focusing on three areas:FOCUS ON DONORSWe can help donors to meet their needs and aspirations for giving in their community by finding innovative ways to bring philanthropy to life and create a living legacy. Because we pool the giving resources of our community for the long term, we welcome gifts of all sizes. Even smaller gifts can have a real impact.GRANT-MAKING EXCELLENCEWe believe in adding value to the process of granting to the largest possible range of organizations and initiatives. The scope of possibilities if quite diverse, including children and youth, seniors, arts and culture, health and wellness, the environment or education. We aim to allow our grants to have a large impact while increasing the sense of belonging in our community.LEADERSHIPThrough our work, we aim to add value to the whole universe of nonprofit and charitable activities in Centre Wellington, We strongly encourage partnerships and collaboration and work to educate our community about how giving locally enhances our overall well being.
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