Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
The NW Aurora Child CareCo-Op Pilot (which will also be known more simply as the "AuroraChildcare Co-op") aims to develop a successful, high quality, childdaycare cooperative business model that will address the significantshortage of licensed childcare services in Northwest Aurora (whereseveral census tracts have been identified in the area as "child caredeserts," being that there is limited access to any childcare). Themajority of licensed childcare in Metro Denver is provided by theprevailing business model, large center-care facilities (which are notfrequently found in low-income areas with very high immigrant andrefugee populations). Affording the cost of child daycare is a significant challenge to manyfamilies, but especially for the families residing in the proposed pilotarea served (described below). Oftentimes, families have to choosebetween cost and regulated care, resulting in less than ideal earlychildhood learning environments. We know that early learningexperiences for children under the age of 5 are directly correlated tokindergarten readiness. If this pilot is successful, we feel the outcomewill increase school readiness for Aurora's youngest residents, agesbirth to 5 years old; and that the model can be adjusted for use insimilar urban and suburban areas of the state, and maybe even ruralColorado and the Western Slope.
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