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Citizen Research Centre delivers original research on societal issues, through social media analysis and face-to-face research in 54 developing countries. Our quantitative solution, Reach, utilises technology and partnerships to deliver face-to face Citizen Surveys in 54 countries. It is centrally managed, with field teams that number in the thousands. Opinion is our online analytics tool, developed through our partnership with Crimson Hexagon, arguably the best social media storage and analytics tool in the world. Opinion is the tool we use to deliver our own Twitter Activity Index and our Social Cohesion Index, and all our social media research for our clients. Crimson Hexagon has stored the entire world's conversation on social media from 2008 – almost 1 trillion pieces of social media data. This allows us to run retrospective longitudinal studies – invaluable in the world of social research.Our platform can answer almost any question, if framed as follows:What do people who are active on social media in any given country/region or globally feel or think about any topic of interest.We also produce original data on topics of interest - on our website under publicly available reports.