Food Production - , ,
The story began back in 1880 when Léonce Amouroux acquired a parcel of Syrah vines inChâteauneuf du Pape By his side in the vineyard was an oratory dedicated to Saint Marcwhich watched over the vines and later lent its name to this iconic wine Le Clos de l'Oratoiredes Papes.These parcels now cover the appellation's four main soil types and the resulting wine offersremarkable balance owing to its combination of Rolled Pebbles, Red Sandstone, Safre andLimestone Fragments.The wines are vinified at the Priory of the Clos de l'Oratoire des Papes and then left to restpeacefully in these natural cellars It is one of Châteauneuf du Pape's hidden treasures.