Education Management - , ,
孔梭学院,总部设在杭州,提供中国领先的国际教育服务。\\孔梭学院的理念基于两个世界上最著名的教育哲学家:中国的孔子,和瑞士裔法国人让-雅克·卢梭;而"孔梭"之名也正源于两位伟人名字的组合。孔子(公元前551-公元前479)和卢梭(1712年-1778年),作为所在时代著名的哲学家和教育学家,帮助塑造了各自文化和文明背景下的现代教育。尽管孔子是中国人,而卢梭来自欧洲,但谈及教育,他们有着相似的态度和做法。现在,中国人对教育的看法仍深受孔子影响,且对他的哲学保持极高的敬重。\\Consseau Institute, based in Hangzhou, is China's leading provider of international education services.\\Consseau Institute's philosophy is based on two of the world's most renowned education philosophers, China's Confucius (551 – 479 BC) and Swiss-born Frenchman Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778 AD). It was combining these two great names that the name Consseau was formed. Confucius and Rousseau were two famous philosophers and educationalists of their times and were both instrumental in shaping their respective cultures and civilisations approach to modern education. Despite Confucius being from China, and Rousseau being from Europe, they had quite similar attitudes and approaches to education. Today, Confucius still influences the Chinese peoples' attitudes to education and they continue to hold great respect for his philosophy.