Market Research - , ,
Constat is a full-service MRA providing custom qualitative and quantitative research & consultancy, over and above international research coordination and field-and-tab services. We supply a mix of research tools designed to fit key elements in the Marketing Mix.Our particular expertise includes:• Insight Development Path and Concept Development Creative Workshops, Positioning Research – to support product planning and development;• Advertising Concept Test and Semiotic Analysis Perspective – to improve promotional mix and advertising effectiveness; supplementary to subjective techniques, we employ objective psychological methods such as eye-tracking and tachistoscopy.• Mystery Shopping and Category Management – to strengthen distribution management and customer service• Wide range of pricing tools and promotion evaluation techniques – to help set the price/volume relation right.Unlike many competitors, we are prepared to deal with enterprise-scale strategy issues, building on the experience of our data-mining team of experts in project management, analysis and data processing. We set out with a business perspective in mind and deliver actionable business recommendations.In support, our network of field resources enables us to service all of your requirements in the most appropriate and cost effective way.