Education Management - , ,
'Dandelion Project' is a registered charity in Hong Kong. It was founded in 2013 by a group of local students who shared a common concern about education in rural China. Through voluntary teaching trips, family visits, and other activities, we hope to provide an opportunity for Chinese children to gain education outside the normal system, and also to allow Hong Kong tertiary education students to experience the culture and traditions of rural China.\\「蒲公英計劃」是一個在香港註冊的慈善機構,成立於2013年初。由一群來自不同大學,卻同樣關注中國農村教育的香港本地大學生所籌辨。計劃通過義教、家訪等多種活動形式,一方面讓農村學生有機會接觸課堂外的知識,擴闊視野;另一方面讓香港大專院校學生與中國農村學童親身交流,了解中國的農村文化。\\Hong Kong Charity Registration Number 香港註冊慈善機構編號:91/14077
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