Arts & Crafts - , ,
Company of Performing Arts \\Founded in 2006 by actor and director Mihai-Gruia Sandu, proffessor at National University of Theatre and Film 'IL Caragiale' Bucuresti- Masterstudies department \\Dell'Arte Theatre Company opted for the Commedia Dell'Arte style of playing, where dramatic situations are created by improvising directly on the stage, without a preordained text. This technique in employed in parallel with the mise en scene of the original texts created by Mihai-Gruia Sandu or by the actors. The mathematical style adopted in the relation stage movement-speech, the synchronization of gesture with sound and cascading gags are enriched with the liberty of improvisation, in a unique play formula, made by Dell'Arte. Using this formula in the performances they create, Dell'Arte succeeds in satisfying both the refined critic and the first time spectator of a theatre show/performance