Nonprofit Organization Management - , ,
The mission of The EcoAngels Foundation is to plant Trees to ‘cool our world'. We feel we can be more responsible caretakers of our Earth.As CheerLeaders for Green, we: Raise Awareness Host ‘Go Green' Parties and TreeDrive® Events. Support Green CausesWe're proud of EcoAngels support of Green - connected via our Social Media App.Since 2009 our grassroots Tree planting program for local communities has shown that EcoAngels "can be the change we so desperately need for our children's future – for a Greener (and cooler) world." Join our TreeDrive® worldwide planting!Partner with us to raise awareness to threats involving the alarming rate of our disappearing rainforests, climate change and dying ocean ecosystems. Host a ‘Go Green' Party and share our eco-blog to embrace a Green lifestyle.Host a Tree Drive® – where you choose an area to Green and beautify.Have fun … be rewarded with our Social Media App to help ‘get the word out'.We empower and support each other's success!Could you bring your unique voice – to support our fragile Planet?Learn how EcoAngels feel at
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