Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm - Troy, Michigan, US
Ehresman Architects is proud of our reputation for designing and engineering high quality and successful projects. The key to this award-winning success is client involvement. Every project has unique requirements, and to ensure that these requirements are met and to assure the integrity and competence of our design, we engage your project representatives in a participatory partnership with our team members throughout the project. We listen and work closely with each customer to create a design solution that meets the unique requirements of each project and each customer’s needs and expectations. Our design approach is founded on listening, communicating, and responding. Architecture is a balance of organizing program and space needs while meeting practical, budget, and schedule goals. Each new building, remodeled building, or adaptive reuse project should address and acknowledge the surrounding neighbors and community context. We are engaged in responding to your needs, context, historical character, and the physical environment in a sustainable manner. The goal of a creating a better environment is much more important to us than the attempt we sometimes see by others to make each building a singular monument. People desire better buildings, better environments, and better communities. Encouraging and respecting the involvement of our clients at all project phases emphasizes the importance of their contribution to the goals, direction and scope of their unique project, and ultimately to its success.
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