Non-Profit - Bristol, ENG, UK
Elim Housing is a charitable registered social landlord (RSL) that own and manage around 800 homes in Bristol, North Somerset, Gloucester, South Gloucestershire, South Wales and the West Midlands. Our portfolio includes a diverse stock of general needs social rented and supported housing, as well as shared ownership properties and accommodation for the Gypsy and Traveller community. We continue to widen and grow the range of homes that we own and manage, with an ambition to have a mixed tenure portfolio of 1,000 properties by 2019. Partnering is at the centre of our ethos, and several recent partnerships are based on the strategic or operational services we can offer other organisations. This includes our provision of a finance service to a small Bristol housing association, and a property management service for a Gloucestershire-based charity. Elim Housing has around 60 staff that provide housing, support and back office services from our head office in South Gloucestershire. Our overall purpose is summarised in our mission statement:Elim Housing is a socially responsible business delivering quality homes and support services which enhance people's lives. We engage and innovate; and work in collaboration with others to enhance the wellbeing and independence of individuals and communities.
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