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The Industrial Engineering Department was founded in the Academic Year 1994-95 as a branch of the faculty of Engineering with Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Kayaligil, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Kas and Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Yurtseven's great efforts and suggestions. The founder chair during the academic years 1994-98 was Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Yurtseven who was later on succeeded by Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Kirkavak.In its first academic year, the department only had 2 Assoc. Prof. Dr.'s for the educational facilities whereas today the Industrial Engineering department has got 2 Professors, 3 Assoc. Prof. Dr. s, 3 Assist. Prof. Dr. s, 1 part-time lecturer and 14 research assistants. The present number of registered students in the Department is around 400, which is added by 80 new students each academic year. Although, the Industrial Engineering Department is the newest engineering department, the high pace of developing in educational facilities made it one of the most popular engineering departments in EMU.From the academic year 1997-98 onwards after the first graduates of Industrial Engineering, the department had ground 100 graduates. Some of these graduates have started working in their occupations whereas some of them have carried on doing the postgraduate education. The Post Graduate Education program started in the academic year 1998-99. 10 graduates are in this program doing their education + research at present.In 1996, some of the Industrial Engineering students were organized among themselves to found an Industrial Engineering Club in order to support occupational education both academically and socially.At the present the Industrial Engineering Department has several functional computer laboratories including 140 computers (in PC Labs, Work Study and Ergonomics Lab., Optimization and Simulation Research Labs).