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ENRAH is a think-tank with a European and international scope.Mission and Strategy 2011-2015Generate research on AHCInvolve front line researchers and medical experts as members and advisors;review literature and identify potential areas for research development on AHC;design and submit for funding research projects on AHC.Coordinate research activities on AHCReinforce its links and collaborations with the national clinical centres of AHC expertise;reinforce its links and collaborations with the AHC family groups and organisations;advise AHC family /patients groups and organisations on their research funding activities;facilitate research collaborations on AHC - organise workshops and other networking events.Translate and disseminate research on AHCReview and update the guidelines on the diagnosis and management of AHC for patients and professionals;provide validated information on AHC for patients and families - web pages, handbooks and through its links and members worldwide.ENRAH was founded in Vienna, Austria in April 2003 by the parents of a child with Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC). It is a European Association supported by parents of AHC children, treating neurologists, basic science researchers, clinicians and geneticists from academia and industry to actively forward medical scientific research on AHC.