Semiconductors - San Francisco, California, United States
EOS Climate is dedicated to harnessing the power of capital markets to address climate change.Bringing together experts in refrigerants, supply chain management, environmental policy, technology, and environmental commodities we have created methodologies for market-based answers to real climate challenges.EOS Climate was founded in 2009 by Jeff Cohen, Todd English and Joe Madden who were MBA classmates at Presidio Graduate School. Their business plan, subsequently financed by Firelake Capital, was to leverage carbon markets to incentivize destruction of CFCs (ozone-depleting refrigerants) recovered from older refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and building infrastructure. The EOS team built a world-class group of operating partners and to date has delivered over 4.5 million metric tonnes of verified emissions reductions in the North American markets. EOS has become the market leader and premier global producer of high-quality, verified emission reductions generated from the destruction of refrigerants/ozone depleting substances (ODS).Leveraging this unique experience enabled the EOS team to identify broader opportunities to address climate challenges presented by refrigerant emissions and a new methodology was developed for incentivizing the use of recycled HFCs and advanced refrigeration systems.EOS will continue to develop its suite of market-based climate change solutions to address the impact of commodities beyond refrigerants. We will work to refine and innovate the way in which environmental commodities are developed and used in order to achieve the greatest environmental impact possible.