Investment Management - , ,
Eqira (pronounced like "Akira") provides portfolio solutions using empirical investment research. We distill noisy financial data into useful, organized information, then provide our clients with the context, meaning and understanding to transform that information into actionable intelligence. Our products and services, intended primarily for hedge fund investors, managers and advisers, include: Market Factors: A proprietary set of factor-mimicking time series that allows us to uniquely monitor, analyze and estimate hedge fund performance. Factor-Based Estimates: Daily return projections for hedge funds and other illiquid assets. Market Insights: Data-driven investment research carefully prepared for sophisticated, yet non-technical readers. Includes factor-based analysis, return and variance attribution, scenario and stress testing, exclusive empirical research, and more. Quantitative Due Diligence: Factor-based fund analysis, including pre-inception return simulation, factor attribution, stress and scenario testing, and risk analysis. Custom Estimates: Our Factor-Based Estimate methodology applied to assets of your choosing, providing intra-month performance projections for your illiquid investments and portfolios. Portfolio Insights: Our Market Insights research and reporting platform adapted to your portfolio, providing an objective, rigorous and data-driven review of your investments.
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