E-learning - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
What if you could learn how to pass the CICC Entry to Practice Exam from a group of RCICs who took the exam themselves? Did we mention that our main lecturer, Kyle Broda, is an exam expert with 2 Master's Degrees related to exam preparation? What if he was also an examiner and examiner-trainer for one of the largest exams in the world? And there is a whole team ready to help you reach your goals! Does it sound too good to be true? Well, why not try our 100 hours of FREE LESSONS to see if our system works for you! Then, if you want to take more steps towards your goal of passing the CICC Exam, our FULL PACKAGE will guide you! Click here to read more about the 4 simulations (125 questions in each), 2-day seminar, individual feedback, bonus lessons (and more!): https://exampreparation.ca/testimonials/
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