Farming - Limpinwood, New South Wales, Australia
Finches Creek Cattle CompanyFinches Creek Cattle Company is a third-generation, family-owned and family-operated, organic grass fed beef cattle outfit. We produce top-quality, organic grassfed beef to sell nationally with an operation that looks a lot like it did in 1950s.Finches Creek Cattle Company headquarters are located in Limpinwood NSW boarder ranges Australia. The property is comprised of several tracts of land, being made up of freehold, pastoral holdings and a slaughter plant. Sending beef to a local and state-inspected slaughter plants allows us to ensure we have a top-quality product at every level.Buying local grassed beef is healthier for you, better for the livestock, better for the planet, and tastes better. 97% of beef in Australia and Japan is either shipped to a feedlots for finishing or raised in feedlots before it's sold to a major food distributor. Finches Creek Beef is Organic Grassfed Certified.