Public Safety - , ,
First Defense Home Fire Safety Inc. aims to become a recognized and trusted brand in home fire safety information, prevention, planning and products. As a future leader in the residential market we strive to be acknowledged as an influential organization in the home and fire safety community among Government, Fire Fighter Associations and Insurance companies throughout North America. First Defense is the only home fire safety company of its kind that fully services the residential market. We aim to provide fire protective products, along with our individualized Home Fire Safety Guide, Your First Defense to Home Fire Safety, that ensures home owners and their residents are properly EDUCATED, PREPARED, and PROTECTED in the event of fire. Our Mission is to first and foremost raise fire safety awareness among home owners and their loved ones through proper fire safety education, prevention, protection, planning, and practice. Primary Goals:1) Raise awareness by promoting the serious nature and importance of proper Home Fire Safety through education and testimonials2) Increase the number of fire safe homes in North America to help put a stop to preventable residential fires and unnecessary deaths"Most people don't realize how dangerous fire can be until it is too late". - Harry Fast (retired Fire Captain)Take the first step to home fire safety, and protect your loved ones today.