Media Production - Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fittygang 是全球首個線上綜合運動、健身、營養及運動治療平台。面對每天勞碌,乏味的生活,我們天天就把自己困在辦公室及家中,運動對某些人更甚成了一項奢侈品。 Fittygang 希望幫助大眾重拾對運動的熱誠,豐富你的運動知識,提供最專業的健康資訊及專家和場地配對服務。你可以在這裡找到最創新、有效、可信的資訊及活動資料,簡單快捷地找尋最合適、可靠的專家及顧問。行動吧! 讓Fittygang 成為你的最佳生活拍檔,讓我們也和你一同肩負起健康的責任,同時也讓你享受到當中的快樂及激情。FittyGang provides a unique online platform that conveniently brings you certified reliable fitness professionals who can tailor-make programs that will meet your individual fitness needs.Whether its sports, fitness, nutrition or physiology, our system's innovative matching function and range of professionals from the fitness industry are just one click away from improving your health and quality of life just the way you want it.Check out our wide network of fitness professionals today and see how they can help you tailor-make a program that's fun, easy to access, and affordable today!