Restaurants - , California, United States
We are a dedicated team of business professionals that are committed to helping independent small businesses in the hospitality and restaurant industry operate more efficiently, purchase goods and services smartly and continuously be leaders in implementing new energy innovations that save them money.By joining the Foodservice Management & Purchasing Alliance, you become part of a co-operative group of businesses that has the purchasing power to help you reduce your cost of doing business. What this means is that you can get pricing and supplier rebates on your everyday goods and services purchases that add up to 20% lower or more than you are paying now. Making you more money is our obsession. Providing management services to maximize your restaurants profits is what we do! Our Team has over 150 years combined experience in the hospitality and restaurant industry. We are here to help you... we will review the fundamentals that are required to make your business profitable and offer you unbiased analysis and solutions to help you maximize your savings and streamline your operation. Through our network of business professionals we are able to provide such services as menu engineering, cost analysis, staff training, systems and procedures, financial services, industry required accreditations, energy saving analysis and supplier programs.