Professional Training & Coaching - Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Our business philosophy stems on the believe that every organisation has the potential to be effective provided that we continue to build effective teams through successful individuals. All human capital has the potential to produce extraordinary results provided that they deploy the right knowledge, skills and expertise; they deploy the right processes and they utilise the right technology.Having this in mind, Gem-Asia has formulated training programs to connect the essential resources of the organisation in a logical and simple manner to create complete understanding and comprehension so that our client's training investments reap substantial dividends both in the short and long term. It is our ultimate aim that at the end of every training session, participants are ready and willing to expand their performance threshold for the benefit of the organistion's growth and progress.Gem-Asia is committed to provide quality and value-added training and consulting opportunities through competency building, smart partnership, positive collaboration and strategic alliances.To establish Gem-Asia as a profitable business entity and become a strategic business entity through effective and efficient methods of management, sound products and events management and simultaneously enhancing stakeholders' value.To provide consultancy and management services such as:Human Resources Work SystemsSelection and hiringDomestic InquiryWork systems review and developmentKPI and Balance ScorecardQuality Management SystemsTo provide training services and courses in areas such as:Customised programs for plantation management core areasCustomised programs for plantation management support areasOccupational Safety and Health (OSH) for industrial needsMotivational Programs to boost performance for organisational effectivenessSoft skills such as communication, leadership, team building and public speakingCompetency development programsPublic seminars, conventions and symposiumsQuality Management related areasCorporate Governance and Enterprise Risk ManagementBusiness Marketing Strategy