Management Consulting - , ,
DaVinci Consulting is an independent member of Geneva Group International (GGI), the world's largest multidisciplinary alliance that includes accounting, management consulting and law firms offering professional services, and is the number Six of World's Top International Networks and Associations according to Accountancy Magazine , which is the official publication of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW). The alliance has 566 members worldwide, 771 offices, operating in 123 countries, having more than 27,000 employees, with a total income of USD 5 billions as of year 2016, where all members are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax ,advisory and legal services.We provide Assurance, Tax, and Management Consultancy services to a wide range of companies from different sectors. Our head office in based in the UK, and we have three offices in the middle east region (Dubai, Baghdad, and Erbil).
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