Civic & Social Organization - , ,
Give a Job is an organization that aims to change the perception of refugees from being problems to being resources. We want local businesses and communities to understand that refugees are professional people who can contribute to local society. Give a Job hosts events in cities around Norway that provide an opportunity for the local business community and refugees to meet. A Give a Job event is like an enhanced job fair where refugees can personally pitch themselves to businesses that have a genuine need and interest in employing them. The event also includes a dinner with entertainment that showcases local talent and speakers. We want people attending the event to have a good time, but most importantly, we want those attending to walk away with jobs or new employees. Our goal is to have as many refugees as possible getting jobs from our event because for a refugee, a job means "I trust you, you can work with me." It is the ultimate welcome to a person, providing self-esteem, local contacts and an opportunity to learn local culture and language. Also for local communities, jobs build bridges between people, lower crime and conflicts, create mutual trust and set common goals.
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