Government - Carlton, Victoria, AU
The Health and Community Services Union (HACSU) is the Victoria No. 2 Branch of the Health Services Union. For over 100 years HACSU has represented the majority of staff employed in psychiatric, disability and alcohol and drug services in the Victorian public, private, and non-profit sectors. HACSU members are employed in a range of occupational classifications including nurses, health professionals, disability and human service workers, program and support workers, trades and administration.Our core functions include:- lobbying state and federal governments in HACSU members' interests- representing members in negotiations with employers on wages, conditions, training and professional issues, workplace health and safety- representing individual members in grievance and discipline cases, compensation claims, equity issues- campaigning to secure funding for health and community services in Victoria- working with consumer groups to input members ideas on service delivery- organising and training workplace delegates- promoting our members' interests in broader union movement- coordinating the delivery and access to a range of member services including: legal services, professional indemnity insurance, financial services and continuing professional development- making submissions to inquiries on any issues in our members interests- coordinating industrial campaigns and representing members at the Fair Work Commission
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