Food Processing - N/A, N/A, GB
Healthy Greens focus on the production of microgreens for restaurants, hotels, health food outlets, etc. Our microgreens are produced locally and sustainably to the highest possible standards. Delivery to customers is within hours (not days) of harvesting, so providing the freshest possible produce.Microgreens are a genuine superfood – very rich in vitamins C, E, K, beta carotene, and many other phytonutrients. They are the small seedlings of edible vegetables, herbs and flowers – usually harvested within the first two weeks of planting. Research has proven microgreens to be highly nutritious, containing up to 40 times the amount of vital nutrients when compared to their mature varieties. They also come in a rainbow of colours and intense tastes – they can truly transform an eating experience and are very popular among chefs - and not just for garnishes!We truly believe microgreens can complement any menu and add to a customer's dining experience. If you are chef we would be happy to come and see you and let you try a generous sample of our produce - just get in touch and we will call you to arrange 5 minutes to drop by.