Internet - Houston, Texas, United States
HyperLocal Connect is the online source for community residents to discover valuable information about neighborhood events, announcements, special offers, contests, local "daily deals" and coupons from merchants closest to home. We inspire our members to find, share, and enjoy the best of their neighborhoods by connecting them with local businesses.With new and diverse offers and community information each day, we reach out and encourage our resident members to discover their local neighborhood businesses and all that they offer.HyperLocal Connect helps local businesses grow by introducing them to, and connecting them with, high-quality neighborhood residents; and HyperLocal Connect gives these merchants the tools to make HLC members regular and loyal customers.HyperLocal Connect and our network of local sites across the country was developed over the last 2 years by a highly qualified team of programmers and local marketing experts who have dedicated themselves to perfecting a powerful and complete local marketing system. HyperLocal Connect is a strong technology company which provides all of the online digital features of a robust local marketing platform. The end result connects the local media partners, merchants and neighborhood shoppers via a combination of methods including Local Search; Print/Direct Mail; email; Social Media; and Mobile (SMS/Text)