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Consider this your global market place. Our mission is to bring you imported goods from all over the world. Why shouldn't you have the world at your fingertip? Well, we believe you should. Imported Goodies, LLC, is a new company established in 2015, but with traditional values; we believe in treating our customers with respect. We aim to bring you quality products from various countries. You should feel good about purchases you make, especially products from a culture that differs from yours. Our belief is that when you connect with a product, you gain connection to the country of origin. Our code of ethics is very simple - if you are not satisfied, we are not satisfied. Products and servicesTextilePotteryArtsJewelryRelevant countries & Cultures: Ethiopia, Ghana, Japan, Kenya, Senegal, India, Poland, Morocco, China, American Indian, and much more. Vision: To provide quality products and services that surpasses the expectation of our revered customers.Mission Statement: To build a long-term relationship with our customers and provide unparalleled customer services - providing quality products and engaging customers.Core Values: We believe our customers are special and unique. We believe that every culture has something special to share with the rest of the world, and every human being deserves a good quality of life; that is why we purchase the majority of our goods from fair-trade companies. We incorporate high principle, integrity, and good business ethics in all aspects of our business operation.