Semiconductors - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Green Ammonia Australia Pty Ltd & Australian Specialised Defence Equipment Pty Ltd
IEF exists to fund two innovative organisations - Green Ammonia Australia Pty Ltd (GAA) & Australian Specialised Defence Equipment Pty Ltd (ASDE)GAAGAA will supply specialist green ammonia production technology and develop engineering skills to apply this technology & supply green ammonia fuel to replace fossil fuels in industrial processes. Governments & scientists expect the rapidly emerging green hydrogen & ammonia industry to firstly replace fossil fuels in the industrial & maritime sectors, before moving to the wider consumer market. Our Green ammonia synthesis technology will position GAA as a global growth-leader in the provision of small, affordable & scalable green ammonia production units. This will help GAA provide scalable, economic & decentralised solutions for Power, Transport, Manufacturing, Mining, Building & AgribusinessASDEASDE has previously developed & manufactured logistics equipment for special forces & emergency response equipment for oil spill control & recovery. The company is now expanding to deliver a highly technical, global frontline response solution for all oil control & recovery scenarios. A professional, technical frontline response to oil spills, particularly in the marine environment, is missing around the world. ASDE is also taking its considerable environmental response capability to build solutions for difficult liquid waste streams treatment. The threat of oil spills posed by WW2 shipwrecks is a World Wide problem - even in our own back yard. It is estimated there are at least 55 classified sunken "oil" wrecks in Australian waters alone – all are potential oil spill hazards & will eventually leak oil & fuel into already endangered waters. With our pioneering oil absorption technology & considerable operational expertise ASDE are developing a solution to extract the oil & hazardous liquids from these vessels to remove this risk