Higher Education - Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
iMdc's vision and mission are to define, disseminate, and implement a new design paradigm and supporting methodologies for failure prevention and increased performance, reliability, and recyclability. Design is based on material-process-component integration for common and seamless utilization in high-integrity applications across all manufacturing sectors. Successful design integration is achieved through:* Building connectivity within the field of Materials Science and ensuring material-process and material-material compatibilities* Creating interdisciplinary bridges between Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, and other related disciplines and establishing material-properties-performance correlations* Designing materials from a green processing perspective and incorporating recycling as a design factor* Integrating knowledge across multi-scales, from nano to macro* Transferring knowledge and lab experience to real structures* Developing predictive analytical and computational design models validated by experimental data* Developing and implementing NDE techniques for early damage detection and monitoring* Constructing consistent and connective databases and reliability diagrams* Providing advanced design tools and strategies, Roadmaps, for general use in all manufacturing industries and beyond.