Civic & Social Organization - Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel
Kav LaOved (KLO) is Israel's leading labor rights civil society organization. Since its founding in 1991, Kav LaOved has been working to ensure equal rights for the most disadvantaged workers groups in Israel, irrespective of race, nationality, religion, gender, or legal status. We support vulnerable Israeli and Palestinian workers as well as migrant workers from developing countries and refugees and asylum seekers workers. KLO serves as a bridge for these communities of workers, providing them the information, individual legal help, and policy advocacy they need to ensure the respect of their labor rights. Our work touches almost all sectors of the labor market, from construction to caregiving. We assist tens of housands individual workers every year and returne to them tens of million shekels in unpaid owed income. At the same time, our legal and policy advocacy has led to pivotal reforms such as a reform in the employment model for Palestinians and the repeal of the unjust deposit law for asylum seekers. KLO currently employs a staff of 20 individuals and engages around 65 trained volunteers.