Arts & Crafts - London, Ontario, Canada
Kingfisher Claw Studio is a Canadian arts & crafts company that designs and sells soft caddies for holding crochet hooks, fountain pens, and more. ---As with many new things, this studio began with a problem: Where on earth can I put all of my knitting needles and crochet hooks so that they don't end up dirty, broken, or lost? And what's a better way for storing these fountain pens if I don't want leather? The answer seemed to come from a ragged old paintbrush caddy that had seen more love and use than any mason jar or brush stand could brag about. So, using that basic design of pockets that could be rolled up and put away, we built a new design of soft case to hold, protect, and store all the other things in our craft closet. And then the question came about: Couldn't someone else use something like this? The answer, as evidenced by our inbox and our sales, was a big loud "Yes."