Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm - Cork, N/A, ie
Keltia's Aerospace BackgroundOur Story begins in Seattle in the USA where Kevin Burtchaell, after working as a design engineer within the aerospace industry, set up Keltia Design Inc. in 2000. Keltia has now become very successful at source and place engineering talent with some of the leading aerospace multinationals.Engineering Services in IrelandAfter returning home to Ireland in 2012 Kevin noticed a similar need among Irish engineering companies who were not well serviced by large recruiting agencies. Keltia Ireland was setup to provide Irish Companies with a more focused approach to finding the skills and people needed for success.Keltia identifying and sourcing talented EngineersBased in Cork, Kevin and the team spend our time identifying and sourcing talented engineers for a variety of positions from design to production. A difficult job made slightly easier by 16 years' talent spotting and 20 years engineering experience. Companies, like people are individuals, one size does not fit all, Keltia is interested in getting to know the companies we work for.
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