Management Consulting - Athens, , Greece
CYBERALL ACCESS is your ultimate partner in implementing successfully european funded projects, especially if you are looking for professional services of very low cost in any of the following areas:Advancing the standardization of your project results as european standards in ESOs (CEN/CENELEC and ETSI)Skyrocketing the reach of your project across Europe by developing and implementing an effective dissemination strategy and applying innovative practicesTraining on how to write winning proposals requesting funding from European programmesTraining on how to implement effectively and efficiently a european funded project that you are involvedWriting a professional proposal for requesting financial support from European Programmes (in Research, Education, Culture, Youth, Innovation, support of SMEs, external aid, etc) Implementing and managing effectively european funded projectsEvaluating as external expert the performance of european funded projectsAssisting in the financial management and in the preparation for financial auditsDeveloping highly interactive websites highly linked with social media specifically for european projects that follow contractual principles and are advance the reachability and raising awareness of the european project.Developing an e-learning environment on behalf of european funded projects or for training organisations or even individual trainers based on free and innovative tools with focus on didactic and pedagogic elements
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