Nonprofit Organization Management - College Park, Maryland, United States
The name of our organization is Komunumo, meaning "community" in Esperanto --a language crafted for the purpose of becoming a unifying second language worldwide. Our mission is to use smart, deliberate data collection to uncover the needs of the community and barriers to those needs being met; then to translate those insights into social action using modern methods and platforms.We intend to begin our mission by simply gaining one-on-one access to residents of College Park. Beginning with a low-cost, more personal form of data-collection is strategic for our organization in several ways. It allows us to remain within our limited budget while collecting rich, detailed information from various segments of the population. It also allows us to develop relationships with a wide range of people and organizations who are already working to make a positive difference in the College Park Community to develop an understanding of some commonly faced challenges and potential solutions. Komunumo has delivered workshops including a series of workshops such as "LET"S WORKshop" that gives participants job-seeking and job-skills development resources, as well as provide help on-the-spot to create or improve their resumes. Komunumo is in the process of developing free online ESL courses that should be available for the busy learner Summer 2019. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities or collaborating with our organization, please send us an email at