Information Technology & Services - Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Based on 25 years of professional experience as Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Information Security and Data Privacy Officer, Corporate IT Audit Partner, Global Account Manager and Project or Program Manager in leading German and American High Tech companies (Siemens, Hewlett Packard, ThyssenKrupp) I offer the following services to you: "CIO Fitness Check": Concrete recommendations for improving your internal IT setup (organization, processes, methods, tools) "CIO Toolbox" (Toolbox-Link): Proven methods, tools and blueprints to efficiently manage all essential CIO core tasks/processes "CIO Boot Camp": Training for transfer of professional skills and practical experiences as sound basis for successful CIO work "CIO Compliance Check": Systematic analysis of the effectiveness of your Internal Control System and your IT Risk Management System "CIO Protect": Analysis and optimization of your IT Security setup (Information Security, Data Privacy, Preventive Crisis Management) "Cyber Security": Effective Protection against cyber-physical attacks, protection of intellectual property and person related data "CIO Team Building": Developing CIO high performance teams according to the Tuckman model (forming, norming, storming, perfoming) "CIO Quality Gate": Sparring of your ideas, concepts and plans with an experienced, neutral professional expert/assessor "CIO Coaching": Adequate, individual coaching for IT Professionals on Executive level Interim Management and Advisory Services for CIO, IT Audit and Account
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