Marketing & Advertising - Farmington Hills, Michigan, United States
Founded in 2019 as a result of a company acquisition, KyybaIntermedia LLC. is owned and operated by Tel K. Ganesan, aserial entrepreneur, visionary and an international movieproducer as part of the Kyyba Inc. conglomerate. The mediacompany acquired Innovative Health Magazine located in thecity of Flint in March 2019.Kyyba Intermedia LLC. will soon establish itself as a go-tosource for contemporary health, wellness and lifestyle newsand stories. The digital and print medium will emphasize short,explanatory articles and would rely on native and digitaladvertising.Kyyba Intermedia Podcast & Video Series (located in Flint andFarmington Hills) will produce sponsored audio and visualcontent in partnership with brands. Statistics have proved thatquality informational content has impacted and transformedseveral lives. Kyyba Intermedia LLC. primary focus is to createa platform for diversified content for everyone (Seniors,Professionals, Home makers, Teens and Children)– after all,everybody has a story to share, a life to be transformed!
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