Larrakia Development Corporation

Construction Services - Berrimah, , AU

Larrakia Development Corporation Details

The Larrakia Development Corporation was officially incorporated under ASIC in February 2002. The Board and management of the Corporation are led by members of the Traditional Owner group of Darwin, the Larrakia people.Today the Corporation is regarded as one of Australia's leading commercial Aboriginal organisations. It provides employment and business opportunities for Larrakia people through its own wealth creation and entrepreneurial activities.The prime objective of the Larrakia Development Corporation is to create economic opportunities for all Larrakia people through the creation and operation of sustainable businesses models, and the maintenance of the Larrakia Development Trust.

Larrakia Development Corporation logo, Larrakia Development Corporation contact details
Employees: 20 - 49
Location: Berrimah, , AU
Revenue: Not Available
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Larrakia Development Corporation is a leading commercial Aboriginal organisation in Australia, established in 2002. The Corporation is led by members of the Traditional Owner group of Darwin, the Larrakia people, and its primary objective is to create economic opportunities for all Larrakia people through sustainable business models and the maintenance of the Larrakia Development Trust. With a focus on wealth creation and entrepreneurial activities, the Corporation provides employment and business opportunities for Larrakia people, promoting economic growth and development in the community. Located in Berrimah, Northern Territory, Larrakia Development Corporation operates in the Construction Services industry and has a team of 20-49 employees. The Corporation's website,, provides more information on their activities and initiatives. Additionally, the Corporation is active on LinkedIn, with a company page that shares updates and news about their projects and achievements. As a socially conscious and responsible organisation, Larrakia Development Corporation is committed to creating positive impact in the community and contributing to the economic growth of Australia.

The Larrakia Development Corporation was officially recognized as a business by the Australian government in February 2002. The people in charge of the Corporation are members of the Larrakia people, who are the traditional owners of Darwin. Today, the Corporation is known as one of Australia's top Aboriginal businesses. It helps Larrakia people find jobs and start their own businesses through its own projects and entrepreneurial spirit. The Corporation's main goal is to create economic opportunities for all Larrakia people by setting up and running sustainable businesses, and by taking care of the Larrakia Development Trust.

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