Venture Capital & Private Equity - Los Angeles, California, United States
LavLabs Ventures is the venture capital investment arm of LavLabs Inc. The company is currently dormant. It is planned for 2021 that LavLabs Ventures will be the company used to make financially driven investments in technology companies and hold investments, including any overseas investments that may take place from time to time. In addition, invest in start-up companies in a variety of fields ranging from internet, software, and hardware to clean-tech, biotech, and healthcare. LavLabs Ventures will seek to act as a start-up accelerator for LavLabs employees who wish to start small businesses concluding their employment at LavLabs.LavLabs Ventures Early Stage practice will focus on investments of a particular kind:Hatch – incubating and funding ideas created through our partners, prior LavLabs staff and an ecosystem of entrepreneursSeed – funding an idea that is brought to us in its earliest, most fragile stageSeries A – traditional early stage funding for companies that have proven an initial set of assumptions and attracted a core management teamThe firm has not been funded and is currently being held in abeyance for future use.