Management Consulting - Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
30 years' experience assisting business and finance leaders.Empowering finance leaders in their most efficient bank negotiations ever, towards the best funding and the best conditions, lowering costs, and smoothening relationships.Transforming, developing and coaching finance leaders towards the highest results.I have accompanied hundreds of leaders in banking, insurance, fintech, food, agribusiness, retail, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries.Worked with the best:Banks such as Rabobank and Banco Popular, financial advisory boutiques (Bank Brokers, Coaching schools (Escuela Europea de Coaching and Executive Search firms (N2Growth Experience:The creation of new ventures, such as the Spanish bank Popular Rabobank, new joint venture companies in Spain and the Netherlands for multinationals, International Business Consultancies (VIF) and financial advisory (Bank Brokers Spain).Education:Business Degree from Fontys (Eindhoven, Netherlands), an MBA in International Business and Finance with the University of San Francisco (USA), an MBA in International Business Management with European University, Antwerp (Belgium), and an ICF Accreditation as Professional Coach (with Escuela Europea de Coaching).International Experience:I have lived and worked in the Netherlands, Belgium, U.S.A., Spain, Portugal, and Italy, and proud to be considered bilingual in Dutch, Spanish, English, and German.