Education Management - , ,
We are a great team that is dedicated to healthy family living! Our mission is to ensure that children are properly trained and given the right attention and exposure that would enable them to favourably compete with their peers in any field in life. We encourage parents to be more involved in their children and their education. Les Enfants International reaches out those parents who are interested in seeing their children have a wholesome education in music, languages, and technology. A child should be exposed to the use of a library and a child should also be able to appreciate good and educative films. A child should grow up confident to face life. At Les Enfants International, we lay a lot of emphasis on extra curricular activities while we leave the formal educational activities to the formal schoolsOur vision is to be an interactive centre for children with a strong presence in Nigeria, West Africa and indeed in the World.Our mission is to showcase the talents of our children to the world.Our Values:1.We believe in God and we believe that children should be brought up in His fear.2.We are a family friendly organisation. 3.We seek to carve the image of a strong stakeholder and player in the national and global education system for children. 4.Our goal is to build a culture of excellence in collaboration with like-minded institutions and organizations in Nigeria and around the world.Les Enfants Int. has six subsidiaries : Les Enfants Music Center, Value Books Mart, Great Minds Library, Les Enfants Language Center, Les Enfants Computer and Games, Les Enfants Cinema.