Individual & Family Services - Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
We are a private Kindergarten with two centres. Little Lumsden caters for children from 0-3 years and Big Lumsden caters for children from 3-5 years.Our commitment to the parents, children and families of Lumsden Kindergarten is that the welfare, development, education and safety of the children are paramount.We recognise the need for children of all ages to be able to play and exercise, and just how important it is for their overall development for the children to just be free to play with their friends.At both centres we provide ample room and space both indoors and out for the children to have plenty of supervised exercise, play, and simply have fun.It is out belief that a balanced modern New Zealand way of early child care, that encompasses all the family values of a caring, calm and gentle and loving approach to the needs of our children, whilst adopting, where appropriate, many new and current ideas developed by the modern early care educators is in the best interests of our children.We welcome and encourage the involvement of parents and families, thus creating an early childcare care centre that is a credit to all those involved and an asset to the wider community. See less
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