Civil Engineering - , Lombardy, Italy
ENGLISH Founded in 2009 in Pavia by Roberto Nassi and Matteo Spairani, P.Eng , MADE Engineering Associati (MADE) operates in the Civil Engineering Design field and in the Project and Construction Management in a multidisciplinary way. MADE's design team, coordinated by the P.E. Roberto Nassi, is composed of a qualified team of Architects, Engineers, Technicians, Designers and consultants, whose abilities and skills aim at meeting Clients needs and requirements to achive the goal of being "On time and On budget" through high Quality innovated solutions. MADE's company client profiles enrolls Company of high value in public works such the 4th most important Construction company in Italy ITALIANO Fondata a Pavia nel 2009 da Roberto Nassi e Matteo Spairani, ingegneri, MADE Engineering Associati (MADE) è una società che opera in modo multidisciplinare nel campo della progettazione civile e nell'ambito del Project and Construction Management. Il Team progettuale di MADE coordinato dall'ingegner Roberto Nassi, si compone di architetti, ingegneri, tecnici, designers e consulenti, le cui capacità e specializzazioni mirano a soddisfare le esigenze del Cliente di raggiungimento di criteri "On time and On Budget" tramite la qualità e l'innovazione delle soluzioni proposte. Appliaction Field Architecture & Design; Engineering; Building Design; Strategic advisors; Project and Process Management; Construction Management; Real Estate Analysis, Regulations and Safety